What Can Help a Crying Baby?

What Can Help a Crying Baby?

You can't give your baby too much attention, so don’t hesitate to comfort them when they cry. Here are some ways to help soothe your baby:

  • Check for a fever: A temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher in a newborn is a fever. If your baby has one, call the doctor immediately.
  • Ensure basic needs are met: Make sure your baby isn’t hungry and has a clean diaper.
  • Use gentle motion: Rock or walk with your baby, or try placing them in a swing or vibrating seat.
  • Offer comfort: Hold your baby close, take slow, calming breaths, or offer a pacifier.
  • Try soothing sounds: Sing, talk, play music, or use white noise. Some babies find sound as soothing as movement.
  • Use gentle touch: Pat or rub their back, or lay them across your lap on their belly while rubbing their back.
  • Take them for a ride: A stroller walk or a car ride can be calming due to the movement and vibration.
  • Give a warm bath: This can help relax a fussy baby.
  • Reduce stimulation if needed: Some babies, especially under 2 months, may settle better when swaddled and placed on their back in a dim or dark room. Be sure the swaddle isn’t too tight, and stop swaddling once your baby starts rolling over.
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