How Often Should I Feed My Baby?

How Often Should I Feed My Baby?

Whether you're breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your newborn, you might wonder how often to feed them. In general, it's best to feed babies on demand—whenever they show signs of hunger. Your baby may indicate they’re hungry by crying, sucking on their fingers, or making sucking noises. Newborns typically need to eat every 2–3 hours.

Signs that a breastfed baby is getting enough milk:

  • Appears satisfied after feeding
  • Has about six wet diapers and several bowel movements per day
  • Sleeps well
  • Gains weight consistently

Another way to check if your baby is getting enough milk is by noticing changes in your breasts—they should feel fuller before feeding and softer afterward. If you’re formula-feeding, it’s easier to track intake, but if you have concerns about your baby’s growth or feeding schedule, consult your doctor.

Since babies often swallow air while feeding, they may become fussy. To reduce discomfort, burp your baby frequently.

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